Women's Empowerment Fund


Together, Planting A Forest.

Promote gender equity around the world by planting trees and creating lasting social impact! Learn more

With your help, we will:

  • Support reforestation projects that emphasize gender equity
  • Empower women in the reforestation space & foster economic opportunities
  • Address systemic barriers & promote inclusivity in the environmental movement
  • The connection between women and nature has been present throughout history – dating as far back as Ancient Greece with Gaia, a mythic personification of Mother Nature. Because of this, the connection between healthy forests and women is a deeply rooted one.

    Reforestation, when undertaken thoughtfully and with consideration for gender equity, can create a powerful combination of benefits, including restoring degraded ecosystems, absorbing carbon, and empowering women. By planting trees to promote gender equity, you are making a lasting social and environmental impact!
  • The Women's Empowerment Fund for Reforestation was established to address two critical objectives: promoting environmental sustainability through reforestation, and advancing gender equality by empowering women in leadership roles within the environmental sector. This fund will provide financial support to reforestation projects that are most in need of funding and actively involve women at all levels of decision-making and implementation.

    The fund's focus on women's empowerment aligns with the principles of gender equality and social justice. Research also shows that women's involvement in forestry and conservation can lead to more sustainable outcomes and greater community engagement. By supporting women-led reforestation initiatives, we strive to address systemic barriers and promote inclusivity within the environmental movement.
  • A personalized tree certificate (see gallery) to say thanks for your donation. We'll also send you reports on our Women’s Empowerment Fund projects, so you can track the impact your trees are having on the ground!
  • In order to empower women across multiple projects, our respective planting partners will determine the most appropriate species of tree to plant, depending on the time of year.
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Looking to plant trees every month? Join The Grove.

Promote gender equity around the world by planting trees and creating lasting social impact! Learn more

With your help, we will:

  • Support reforestation projects that emphasize gender equity
  • Empower women in the reforestation space & foster economic opportunities
  • Address systemic barriers & promote inclusivity in the environmental movement
  • The connection between women and nature has been present throughout history – dating as far back as Ancient Greece with Gaia, a mythic personification of Mother Nature. Because of this, the connection between healthy forests and women is a deeply rooted one.

    Reforestation, when undertaken thoughtfully and with consideration for gender equity, can create a powerful combination of benefits, including restoring degraded ecosystems, absorbing carbon, and empowering women. By planting trees to promote gender equity, you are making a lasting social and environmental impact!
  • The Women's Empowerment Fund for Reforestation was established to address two critical objectives: promoting environmental sustainability through reforestation, and advancing gender equality by empowering women in leadership roles within the environmental sector. This fund will provide financial support to reforestation projects that are most in need of funding and actively involve women at all levels of decision-making and implementation.

    The fund's focus on women's empowerment aligns with the principles of gender equality and social justice. Research also shows that women's involvement in forestry and conservation can lead to more sustainable outcomes and greater community engagement. By supporting women-led reforestation initiatives, we strive to address systemic barriers and promote inclusivity within the environmental movement.
  • A personalized tree certificate (see gallery) to say thanks for your donation. We'll also send you reports on our Women’s Empowerment Fund projects, so you can track the impact your trees are having on the ground!
  • In order to empower women across multiple projects, our respective planting partners will determine the most appropriate species of tree to plant, depending on the time of year.

Women and Forests

Trees provide a foundation for life to flourish almost everywhere they grow. They are nature’s best nurturers, creating and protecting habitats, cooling and shading their surroundings, shielding communities, growing nutritious food, and so much more.

Similarly, women provide the foundation for their families and communities with their innate ability to nurture, protect, heal, teach, and build. Studies show that women reinvest 90% of their income into their families and communities.

But it goes deeper than that: research also shows that women’s actions are more likely to be informed by the needs of the collective than the individual – and therefore, they’re more likely to make decisions that support the public good and improve the welfare of others (including nature).


visa logo forest fest sponsor

Highlighted Gender Equity Projects

Restoring the Knuckles Mountain Range

Female Farmer Empowerment and Education


Our reforestation partner KULA works to eradicate poverty through the development of entrepreneurs in Rwanda’s coffee-producing communities. Over the past 3 years, we have planted over 250,000 trees and empowered over 300 farmers — the majority of whom are women. Upon maturation, the coffee seedlings that are planted, grown, and maintained by the participating farmers, can provide sustainable income for farming families for up to 30 years.

Plant Trees for Punjab


This project focused on increasing tree cover for Punjab communities in India. By increasing tree cover, we can improve the overall health of communities. From growing the seedlings to planting and after care, the planting and tending of trees was a central role of women in the community, positively affecting their social status. By placing women in positions of leadership and power, this project has uplifted and empowered participants, helping to promote gender equity.

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Restoring Watersheds and Agroforestry

Dominican Republic

Our planting partner, Plant With Purpose, works to impact and benefit watershed health and downstream actors. Specifically, this project will benefit the Artibonite watershed in the border region of the Dominican Republic and Haiti, affecting water supplies in both countries. Every tree planted in this project will help revitalize the soil, promote biodiversity, and stabilize weather patterns. This project also helped to promote gender equality in the Dominican Republic. Of all the participants in the planting, over half are women, with many in positions of leadership.

More Planting Projects

biodiversity main
Bird sitting on branch
Planting trees for biodiversity
Weasel behind flowers
chimpanzee sitting on rock
Goat walking through flowers
biodiversity main
Bird sitting on branch
Planting trees for biodiversity
Weasel behind flowers
chimpanzee sitting on rock
Goat walking through flowers
Forest Fire Fund
Forest Fire Fund
Forest Fire Fund
Forest Fire Fund
Mangroves main image
Indian woman planting mangroves
mangroves along the coast
mangroves tree planting
mangroves planting site
Mature mangroves
mangroves both young and mature growth
Planting mangroves in India
Mangroves main image
Indian woman planting mangroves
mangroves along the coast
mangroves tree planting
mangroves planting site
Mature mangroves
mangroves both young and mature growth
Planting mangroves in India

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